
Thursday, 21 April 2011

Sweet Softies - Funny Bunny

Funny Bunny can be found over at Sew4Home. I was looking at the tutorial and think I would rather sew the head onto the body before stuffing. I would probably also do that with the feet. Makes it a lot neater and stronger.


  1. Thank you for the link!! Perfect timing for Easter :)

  2. Love these. As soon as the kids start school, i'll get on with making one! *Adds to ever growing WD (wanna do) pile*

  3. This would be great as an art doll.. one could also just change the head and don't add ears? Thanks for the posting! Good job!

  4. Thanks for posting this! I had a blast making them. I made four of them and they look great! you can see them on my blog if you want to look -


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