Okay so everybody who knows me knows I don't really like cooking...but you know the first thing my mum taught me to cook was scones using a Margaret Fulton cookbook. I still have that "old" book even though nearly every page has fallen apart. I can't bear to part with it. But I couldn't pass these by....take a look at these great looking scones over at Fat Mum Slim....LEMONADE SCONES...they sound soooooo good.
you had me at Scones!
Lemonade scones are a favourite around here....Not only because they are simple to make....but also because they are so delicious!
The first "proper adult" cook book my Mum gave me was the Margaret Fulton Encyclopedia of Cookery. It is battered from years of constant use and now my children refer to it(one son is only a couple of months away from becoming a fully qualified chef). Two of my Mum's favorite "go to" cook books were also by Margaret Fulton, the Godmother of Australian cuisine so they say! Anything with lemon catches my eye! I'm off to check out this recipe, thanks.
Lemonade scones make a regular appearance at my place. Love 'em! Love your blog, too. I've just found it.
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